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Nice to see that at last we have got our own site and forum, but where are all the people?????


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I am so happy to see one of these sites open up for La Siesta and the area I love it down here and have lots of friends. We have not been in Spain for long and live in Quesada but as we only rent we are thinking of a move down here. I would love to hear from as many people as possible as to what is going on.

Thanks All and speak soon

It will get a lot better when the word gets out there and others join in.

Commented Charly in La Marina 2011-05-15 09:46:35 UTC


I see that you have opened up a new site for the area, about time. I see that you have not got much going on yet but I will keep popping along to see what is going on.

I agree, I have been waiting for one of these sites to open up in this area. Can not wait until I have lots of people to chat to.

Do you live in this area Dave?

Commented OverSeas Property Bureau in Quesada 2011-05-15 09:42:10 UTC


Does anyone know about the local elections that are going on? I would like to vote but need to understand a bit more about what its all about. I have heard that some English people are standing this sounds very interesting, I did not know we could do that. I need to know more



Hi to the owners of this site. Its about time we had something new in the area and modern. I have been using the other local forum for years but its tired and you get the same people controlling everything that you say and do, its like being back at school. So good luck and lets get going



Can anyone tell me what its like here, my friend wants to go next week but I cant think where it it, I know calle azul but I hear it tucked away, is it the area behind the amstel or is it hidden away?


Go right to the top of Calle Azul, as far as you can go where the tall flats are. Park your car and walk up into the top right hand corner and there's Harri's Bar.

Commented Maz in Quesada 2011-05-13 18:57:40 UTC

Hi it is tucked away and although im geographically challenged I say its right at the top of quesada. You need to go up past Canales supermarket Theres a block of not very nice flats right up there and the view is staggering from the flats but in terms of is it any good at harrys, ive heard lots of good reports, they have plenty on there in terms of entertainement etc. The sign actually says Harris Bar and I had heard thats was due to a mistake by the sign maker, It is known locally as Harrys so get yourself along and have good time

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-05-13 18:58:00 UTC

Thanks, I know the Canalas supermarket, is it one those little bars right by supermarket or further up hill again. Gonna give it a try when out next week.

Commented lynnemalkin in Quesada 2011-05-14 13:54:05 UTC

Hi Lynne
no its not one of those next to canales, you need to go past canales and keep walking up the hill for a couple of minutes more, is on the same side as canales so your nearly there.

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-05-14 16:16:35 UTC

Thanks, it's mad to think how in 5 years I have never discoverd it, deffo going to try it out this week, mucho gracias

Commented lynnemalkin in Quesada 2011-05-15 09:20:27 UTC


I would very much like to get in contact with local Brits, I am new to the area and am a bit lonely. I love the life here but am missing a good old chat and to hear English voices. I think I am a typical English person abroad, in the fact I miss all that is home but want the sun to go with it. So if anyone knows were I can find a group of people for a chat with tea and cake that would be great


Almoradi Square Reform

Has anyone got any idea when all the works are going to be completed? I know it needs to be done, but it really is taking forever and spoiling the centre.


hi the guy who is head of the project is a regular of ours in the bar and he says they are hoping for the fiestas end of july but possibly a wee bit longer

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-05-14 23:28:18 UTC

Hi Cafe Vienna,
Thank you very much for the update. Do you have any idea on what it is going to look like after completion?

Commented savemoney61 in Almoradi 2011-05-15 08:26:55 UTC


Do you need some great entertainment for your Bar or Restaurant, theres something to suit all tastes and budgets if so please contact Stars in Bars on 685302529

La Marina

Do you not ever have any Acts appearing in La Marina?
You do not seem to of listed any in the Forum Events section. Would be nice to know in advance.

Commented Douglas in La Marina 2011-05-14 21:03:00 UTC
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